Dear All,
We (THE ADMINISTRATORS) are pleased to advise you that the proposed WEBSITE of our Dufferin Batch of 1961-1963 was launched on 1st January 2019.
The four Admins. are 1) Shantagiri 2) Hiranandani 3) Aulakh 4) Ghokale
The website is new and likely to have some minor problems which kindly bear with.
All the problems are being looked into and will be rectified in due course.
We have been requesting all (who are in copy of this mail) to forward their data/photos/news etc so that the same could be uploaded on the website for the others to view/read etc. While some of you (very few) have sent your information/write ups/photos etc, most of the others have not done so.
I sincerely hope that you would send the info ASAP so that it could be uploaded and it would then truly be a website of OUR BATCH MATES.
Some have sent partial information and they are requested to send the remainder asap.
We are having a news section also and all are requested to forward us any news of our batchmates (that you would like to share with the rest) . The same would be uploaded on the website.
The menu bar has the following : 1) HOME 2) DUFFERIN 3) REUNIONS 4) MEMBER PROFILES 5) GALLERY 6) NEWS 7) CONTACTS
You can click on the menu of above and the sub menus will drop down and you may select your preference for viewing/reading etc.
Kindly send your queries/news etc to the admins (their contact details are given in the contact section of the website) for corrections/additions etc, and one of them will attend to the same and do the needful.
Waiting for your feed back on the website (whatever your views are).
From the Admins
Shashi Shantagiri